This row of six originally identical houses illustrates the competence of Peabody and Stearns, best preserved at 275 and 277 Beacon Street. Octagonal red brick bays are banded with brownstone stringcourses at every level below steeply pitched mansards. Projected on corbels, the triangular pediments of the center second-floor windows are answered by the elliptical pediments of the central dormers, which in turn are supported by unfluted pilasters. Ornament is in the NéoGrec taste, an adaptive strain of neoclassicism abortively revived in the third quarter of the nineteenth century, reflected by the paterae of the entrance-door and center-ground-floor window architraves and the anthemion motif of the deeply concave cove cornices. Repeated with minor modifications to the scheme, this design was also executed at 128–136 Newbury Street the following year and at 121–133 Marlborough Street (1877–1880).