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Fremont Community Building (Community Memorial City Hall/Soldiers Memorial Community Building)
The citizens of Fremont built this community building “as a fitting memorial to commemorate the brave deeds and heroic sacrifices” of the city's World War I servicemen. They thought the community building to be a more appropriate means for a memorial to the democratic ideals for which the men had fought than a monument of bronze or stone. Freemont had no auditorium, recreational center, or library. Mann and MacNeille of New York City, specialists in schools, churches, and houses, designed the building in the long-enduring Colonial Revival style.
The restrained building has a giant Doric pedimented portico with a semicircular tympanum window. It is reached by a flight of stairs and balanced by single-story wings that extend to the east and west. Within the portico are set three entrances surmounted by elliptical fanlights. The chocolate-colored Pennsylvania-faced brick exterior walls are laid with mortar of the same color. The building contains an auditorium, kitchen, dressing and cloak rooms, and library, as well as the city offices, gymnasium, bowling alleys, and billiard rooms. It was built by Thomas Mullins of Fremont.
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