This is the only known African American Methodist campground in the state. The founders, former slaves, had been members of Salem Methodist Church and Campground (GC52), but they bought this ten-acre parcel in 1880 to establish their own camp meeting. None of the earliest buildings survive, having been destroyed by hurricanes or fires. A bell-cote marks the main entrance of the L-shaped brick church, which is open for regular worship during the year. At the center of the campground in front of the church, the tabernacle, the third at the site, is an unusual semienclosed, concrete-block structure, with large openings covered by shutters that are thrown open during the October camp meeting. Along with the church, the rustic wood and concrete-block tents, most on concrete slabs with dogtrots and dirt-floor porches, form a rough square around the tabernacle. An extensive cemetery is at the rear of the property.