This mixed Shingle Style and Queen Anne house emerges from a base of dressed randomly sized fieldstones. Cobblestone columns carry the expansive wraparound porch. The dominating architectural features are the large turret and broad overhanging roof. The later carriage house is Colonial Revival. Clarence Little arrived in Dakota Territory in 1882 as a young New England-educated attorney, and he soon became involved in finance and politics. By 1885 he had become a director of the Capital National Bank of Bismarck. Also that year, he acquired control of the First National Bank of Bismarck and merged the two institutions, creating one of the state’s strongest financial institutions, of which he was named president in 1887. From 1909 until his death in 1941, Little owned about one-third of the residential properties in the Cathedral Hill District. After the 1930s, this residence served as home for the Benedictine sisters until 1945, when they initiated the Annunciation Priory (BL18) complex.