These two simple, stone houses on 6th Avenue ( BE28.1) and 3rd Avenue ( BE28.2) were built for workers in local industries. They are visual reminders of the important part played by the Harmonists in the early development of Beaver Falls's industries, religious buildings, education, and housing. By 1859, the Harmonists held several large mortgages in the town, which they supplemented with purchases at sheriff's sales. In 1866, they owned so much of the town that they ordered a new survey, laid out a series of lots, and renamed it Beaver Falls. The small, two-story houses occupy narrow town lots, with their bracket-lined gable ends facing the street. A window and door on the first story and a single window centered under the gable on the second are the only fenestration. Later alterations, including porches, cannot hide the thick stone walls that identify these residences.