Cooper Cabin, one of the oldest houses in Butler County, is an excellent example of the log structures that once dotted this landscape. Sam Cooper bought the land with the shell of the unfinished house in 1811 or 1812, and added the doors, windows, roof, and other essentials. Soon after 1812, he built a spinning house behind the main house. After the Civil War, descendant John Cooper added a two-story addition to the main house on the north elevation. Several generations of the family remained here until 1963; nine years later, the house was purchased by the Butler County Historical Society. The society installed a new floor in the main room, replaced the clay chinking with cement and the water-damaged logs at the base of the south and west elevations, and removed the raw lumber partition that divided the first floor between living area and bedrooms. It is used as an educational facility and to host a Cooper family reunion every year.