The rows of simple frame cottages and the large tabernacle assembly halls, which open to keep air circulating, are two important components of a successful camp meeting ground. The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church has operated the Mahaffey Camp on this site since 1897. The core of its youth tabernacle dates from that time. A second tabernacle was built in 1919 and a new dining hall was erected in the 1990s, but the forty-five acres sweeping toward the West Branch Susquehanna River are remarkably unchanged. Today, recreational vehicles outnumber the two hundred summer cottages, but every year nearly 3,000 people attend a ten-day Bible study session and encampment at the end of July. The white frame cottages are generally two bays wide, one or two stories tall, and alternate their gable ends from front to side. There are also three dormitories and two group houses on site.