The lodge, built by owners Beth and Ray Griscom with the help of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) team, initially included seven guest rooms and shared baths. Of handhewn pine and hemlock logs, the lodge has a steep gambrel roof with a long shed-roof dormer at the second story. The interior walls are lined with wormy chestnut and the floors are oak. In the 1950s, new owners expanded so that now there are eight guest rooms, twenty-four suites, and eight frame cottages on twenty-five acres adjacent to Cook's Forest. This lodge is a commercial version of the rustic campsites at Clear Creek State Park with luxury additions that make it a modern resort.
The state park, eleven miles to the east (1933–1937, CCC Company 353; PA 949 or Clear Creek Road), in Heath Township, has twenty-two log cabins built on 1,676 forested acres, in addition to a swimming area, concessions building, restrooms, hiking trails, bridges, and roads. The hilly Clear Creek valley extends from PA 949 to the Clarion River and is twelve miles directly north of Brookville.