Despite its log construction the Gleason Log House is not Tioga County's oldest extant dwelling, even though in most of Pennsylvania, log houses were often the first structures to be built because they did not require a sawmill. In the backwoods, as here, they continued to be built well into the nineteenth century. The Gleason house's hewn squarenotched logs (with chinking), cellar, and loft stairs indicate that skilled New England craftsmen built this house to be a long-term, though almost certainly not permanent, residence. The house is well documented. Joel Jewell and William Dunham were the carpenters and the logs were hewn by Lemuel and Chester Cady. The house has never had water or electrical service and even the hearth and its equipment remain unchanged. The one-story-and-loft house has one large room with a small pantry next to the brick fireplace. A second front plank door was added in the 1850s, but the house appears to have always had an open porch across the front. Locally it is called “the Blockhouse,” because its logs are hewn on all four sides. The Tubbs family owned the house for 120 years, using it first in the 1860s as a tenant house and later as a camp house. In 1978, John Nicoll gave the house to the Tioga County Historical Society. In the early nineteenth century a community developed near this house and when a post office was established in 1851, residents adopted the name Osceola in honor of the Seminole chief whose bravery remained fresh in public memory.