The massing of this house recalls that of the house described in the preceding entry, but its building history is inverted. This farm began with the one-and-one-half-story ell, probably built by Major James Brown (the owner's sign says Thomas Brown). When Charles Whidden, a blacksmith, purchased the property c. 1800, he added the two-and-one-half-story component with graduated siding, bringing the old chimney to the center of his extended residence and making the old house the kitchen ell. It was sold again in 1857 to a new owner, Thomas Fuller, who grew corn for brooms and made them here until the business moved to Providence after 1870. His broom-making facility, joined to a carriage shed, is now a garage and guest quarters. Adjacent to the house is a large, handsome horse barn of the 1940s built on the site of a nineteenth-century predecessor.
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Brown–Whidden–Fuller Farm
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