North on Lonsdale Avenue is one of the more extensive collections in the state of a wide range of mill housing types, from Greek Revival through the early twentieth century, much of it quite well preserved. The three Greek Revival units diagonally across the street from Christ Church and closest to the corner, at 1662–1664 Lonsdale Avenue (
LI2.1), have been
Opposite is the forceful brick block of Lonsdale Hall, built by the corporation as a community center to house a meeting space, library, reading room, and shops, the last seriously compromised by remodelings. Opposite this and farther along (see especially 1700–1702 Lonsdale Avenue) are Queen Anne duplexes and four-unit brick houses ( LI2.3), well preserved even to their slate roofs, with long roof dormers and pitched roof porches, which recall attempts at cozy picturesqueness in early twentieth-century housing derived from model industrial towns in England.