Hugging the Atlantic side of Ocean Avenue is a sequence of houses which provide a spectrum of fanciful, mostly quaint, designs from the early twentieth century, including the F. Frazier Jelke House, Eagles Nest ( NE173.1; 1922–1924, Aldrich and Sleeper), 222 Ocean Avenue, a modified Colonial Revival house with much shingle work; the Lucy Worth James House, Normandie ( NE173.2; 1914, William Delano), in a French provincial style, and the V. Z. Reed, Jr., House, Seafair, formerly Hurricane Hut (1937, William Mackenzie), 254 Ocean Avenue, an ornate French château set far back from the road and laid out in a horseshoe plan. This was the last built of the great summer cottages. Just past Green Bridge, the only place on the drive flanked by water on both sides, is the Jerome C. Borden House, Bay House ( NE173.4; 1917, Angell and Swift), 274 Ocean Avenue, an enlarged, shingle-covered bungalow.