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Commercial Building (Chilton Building)
The combination of gold and dark red brick and the rhythmic division of the former Chilton Building facade into a wide central bay framed by narrower end bays, with two-toned corbeling above, are in the classic Leffland style. Although few of the buildings possess definite architectural attributions, Goliad's courthouse square seems to outrank even Monterey Square in Wharton in its density of Leffland storefronts (see WD2). To the north, at 206–210 S. Commercial Street, is a more restrained Chilton Building faced with dark brick, which could easily be a Leffland and Son work from the 1910s. Dr. L. W. Chilton, who built these buildings, was Leffland's chief patron in Goliad. The one-story Von Bohlen Building (c. 1896) at 226 S. Commercial Street also looks like Leffland's work. Next to it at number 236 is the sprightly two-story Von Bohlen Building of 1896.
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