Located on the site of the original 1936 open-air theater that hosted performances conceived by New York City producer Billy Rose for Fort Worth’s Texas Centennial celebrations, this geodesic dome, derived from the Buckminster Fuller patent, contained an intimate 1,800-seat theater-in-the-round. The arcaded original north entrance lobby has a rather tenuous relationship with the dome of Kaiser Aluminum and was outgrown in capacity years ago. After expansion plans by Mitchell/Giurgola were shelved in the 1980s, the structure was remodeled in 2003, converting the format to a more conventional thrust stage while adding considerable pre-function and lobby space to the east.
Farrington Field (1939, Preston M. Geren Sr.) at 1501 University Drive is a 20,000-seat stadium funded by the PWA and constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete in a stripped modernistic style. The Van Zandt Cottage (c. 1870; 1936 restored and altered, Joseph Pelich) at 2900 Crestline Road is the oldest house in Fort Worth on its original site. Major Khleber Miller Van Zandt moved to Fort Worth in 1865 following service in the Civil War. In 1871, he acquired at auction approximately 600 acres on what was then the western edge of Fort Worth, upon which this cabin already stood. The cabin was a dogtrot, which in the 1936 restoration was transformed into a center-hall house with board siding.