The smallest structure in the commercial district is the Ice House, just nine feet square with a heavy wooden door. A cable-supported wood canopy with a galvanized fascia hangs just above door height. The unusual stonework consists of irregular shaped and sized blocks set in a random pattern with a honed outer surface. The building stored fifty- and hundred-pound blocks of ice that were sold to customers by the adjacent Glen Rose Produce Company.
Around the corner at 101 W. Cedar is the former Somervell County Jail. Built in 1934, it replaced the 1884 jail on this site and was in use until 1984. The two-story rock-faced limestone structure was funded, along with the restrooms and bandstand on the courthouse square, with federal money through the Texas Relief Commission. The iron cells from the 1884 jail were installed in the new building and escapes were a frequent occurrence. After brief use by the county historical commission, the jail is now used for county storage.