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Looney School and Store

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1910s school; 1920s store. VA 623, off VA 42, 4 miles southwest of New Castle
  • (Michelle Looney)

Not much is left of the tiny crossroads village of Looney other than the former two-room frame schoolhouse and a one-story frame store building opposite. Looney was the name of the village's earliest settlers. The school and store served families in the Meadow Creek area of the county, west of Lick Mountain and north of New Castle. Looney School, though somewhat deteriorated, retains original weatherboards, two brick flues with corbeled caps, a projecting gabled vestibule, and six-over-six sash windows. The store is a standard gable-front building, with a projecting canopy shelter supported by wooden posts on tall concrete piers, a central door flanked by large display windows, and two shed wings.

Writing Credits

Anne Carter Lee


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Anne Carter Lee, "Looney School and Store", [New Castle, Virginia], SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,

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