This wood-frame, two-and-a-half-story duplex, with a small shed-roofed entrance porch, is a good example of the persistence of older forms and materials for low-income vernacular building into the twentieth century. Although constructed in 1917, it retains a basic gable-front form used in Vermont for multifamily housing since the 1840s. Its lathed porch posts and two-over-two sash windows are materials more common to 1880s and 1890s building, but they were still available in the 1910s and probably cost less. In contrast, the duplexes the Queen City Cotton Company built nearby in 1919 used a plan with separate entrance porches, shingle siding, and Colonial Revival details.
The building is one of many identical duplexes constructed by the Kieslich Construction Company in what are now Burlington's Old North End and Old South End, based on a model home they constructed on Lakeview Terrace several years earlier (demolished). General manager A. V. Kieslich, treasurer Oscar Heininger, and secretary A. H. Heininger all lived in the German neighborhood in Old North End and likely provided employment to many fellow immigrants. The realities of the marketplace made a low-cost, traditional form the most popular work of these new Americans.