As agriculture matured in the low hills drained by the upper Missisquoi River during the second quarter of the nineteenth century, Enosburgh Center on Boston Post Road became the social and commercial hub of its town. Around 1840 John Fowler built this Classic Cottage house, conservatively and elegantly styled in a late Federal manner using some of the then increasingly popular Greek Revival details. Although there are four similar farmhouses extant in the northern Cham plain Valley, each with five fanlights under the eaves, here the central one over the main entrance has a distinctive fluted “rainbow” surround. Still, its delicate entrance flanked by fluted Ionic pilasters is no less Federal in feeling. In 1852, Fowler conveyed this house to the local Congregational Church, which used it as a parsonage for more than a century and carefully conserved the building. This contributed to the preservation of its fanciful detailing, making it a Federal landmark in Franklin County.