This unusual house, an early example of the transition from Federal to Greek Revival tastes in Vermont, was built for Lyman Granger, a lawyer turned ironmonger. It sits adjacent to the 1791 Pittsford furnace that he, his father, and brother had purchased and expanded in 1826 for the manufacture of cast-iron products, including woodstoves. The house is brick and Georgian in plan, much in the mode of other substantial houses in western Vermont in the 1820s. However, it has triangular rather than fan-shaped attic lights, rectangular rather than splayed lintels over windows and door, and an unusual appended three-bay portico with colossal unfluted Doric columns on high brick plinths and a simple entablature. If the portico is unusual, the cast-iron lintels composed as architraves with terminal square blocks and large rectangular central tablets are unique, and obviously from Granger's foundry. Their relief decoration is more Federal than Greek, for the corner blocks are filled with single stars, while the tablets have paired eagles. Granger's ironworks prospered through midcentury and continued in other hands until 1882. Today the house stands as the sole survivor of a complex that once included houses, furnace, foundry, and tenant housing, and as a record of the wares produced here.