John W. Atkinson, who owned a brickyard at the base of Red Mountain, built his Queen Anne Style residence with walls four bricks thick. A widow's walk pokes through the cross-gabled, hipped roof beside a south side second-story porch with a bell-shaped cap. A round tower in the northwest corner borders the porch over the entry. Thomas J. Sardy, who ran a furniture store and mortuary discreetly separated by a curtain, bought the house in 1945. He worked with the Paepckes on Aspen's rejuvenation, helping to build the airport named for him. Harry Teague added a twenty-room “carriage house.” This spirited but sympathetic Neo-Queen-Anne addition uses similar red brick, sandstone trim, and shingled gable and bay ends to transform the corner property into a hotel screened by the exquisitely maintained house, garden, and evergreen trees.