The Sheridan Opera House, originally for theater and vaudeville performances, now houses the Telluride International Film Festival. Typical of many period commercial buildings, the drab, three-story, red brick building has a flat roof, corbeled brick cornice, and arched openings. Of more interest is the 200-seat interior, restored in 1972 to its Gilded Age sparkle. The seats were originally removable to make a dance floor. The theater's roll curtain, which depicts a Venetian scene, was hand painted in tempera by western painter John Erickson.
In 1985 the Sheridan Opera House was remodeled again, this time by Phoenix architect Peter Johnson. Johnson's facelift and addition were defended by Roger Neville Williams, owner of the Sheridan Opera House, who contended: “This building wasn't pretty before. It was a turn-of-the-century building constructed by a mining engineer.” Despite approval by the Historic and Architectural Review Commission, many residents felt the addition, with its brick piers and vertical glass panels, was insensitive to the original. Many were also outraged that the remodeling had covered up a cherished piece of Telluride history—an old brick wall bearing the faded painted message: “Opera House Picture Show every evening—Admission ten cents and 15 cents.” The historic “SHOW” sign, outlined in light bulbs, remains, although the marquee disappeared during the remodeling.