Because so many of the dairies supplying Starkville’s Borden Plant with raw milk were located in the Oktoc area, this rural community once fashioned itself the “Dairy Capital of the South.” The heart of this rural landscape is the wooden Oktoc Community Center, which houses the activities of the Oktoc Community Club, established in 1927 and the oldest such club in the state. The building also serves as a polling place and each fall becomes part of the Oktoc Country Store event, a craft and culinary project of the Oktoc Garden Club (organized 1923). The community center is a two-building combination. In 1935, after the Vernon Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the nearby one-room Oktoc School (both c. 1900) were deeded to the Community Club, club members moved the school (rolled it on logs according to oral tradition) and attached it to one side of the church, producing the community center seen today.