The Shannopin Mines Nos. 1 and 2 were drift mines over a portion of the Pittsburgh seam in Dunkard Township. In 1927, the company, a subsidiary of Jones and Laughlin Steel Company, began transporting coal overland along Dunkard Creek to the Monongahela River for shipment to Pittsburgh's steel industry. The mine closed in 1992. This group of six red brick mine buildings of one and two stories is located in the flatland adjacent to the creek. The General Office, a hipped-roof one-story building with a pedimented three-bay porch on the facade, is the only building with touches of style, including segmental arches over the windows, running bond brickwork, and patterned roof shingles. The other oneand two-story buildings are gable roofed, and their brick walls are reinforced and articulated with pilasters. The bathhouse, like the office, has a hipped roof and deep overhanging eaves. Although the houses in Bobtown had running water and flush toilets, most did not have showers, and residents were allowed to use the company showers on weekends. The complex is the only group of buildings along Bobtown Hill Road between Dunkard Creek and the village on the plateau.