A quiet, almost rural oasis surrounded by an ever-changing urban environment, this family compound is named after Felix von Blucher, a German civil engineer who arrived in Texas in 1845. After serving in the army of Zachary Taylor, Blucher settled with his wife in Corpus Christi on this eight-acre home-site beyond the city that was purchased from Henry L. Kinney. Named county surveyor in 1852, Blucher and his descendants held that position until 1954. Blucher's services were in great demand throughout South Texas, and even extended into Mexico, where he designed military fortifications in Matamoros for Emperor Maximilian.
Overlooking a 4.5-acre park the family donated to the city in 1942, and now designated as a bird sanctuary, the three houses that belonged to Blucher's offspring exhibit variations on Queen Anne. The Charles F. Blucher House at 123 N. Carrizo Street (c. 1890) is a transitional Queen Anne dwelling with a two-story classically detailed double gallery built by Blucher's eldest son. It is now the seat of the Junior League of Corpus Christi. Next door at number 205, the Richard Blucher House (1901) is a spacious, traditional Queen Anne, modified L-plan dwelling with steeply pitched roof and dormers housing the offices of The Nature Conservancy. At the corner at number 211, the George Blucher House (1904) is a two-story hipped-roof building with double gallery mixing Queen Anne and Colonial Revival and currently functioning as a bed-and-breakfast.