A native of Prussia and a carpenter by trade, Stephen Klein was among the first group of settlers in New Braunfels and most likely the timber framing was his own work. The house employs fachwerk construction with an infill of rubble and cut limestone blocks between the timber frame. It makes an interesting comparison to the Ferdinand Jakob Lindheimer House ( NB13), which employs adobe for the infill. The exterior of the Klein house has been stripped of its lime plaster and replaced in some areas, and the fachwerk masonry has been repointed with Portland cement. The original timber framing seems to be fairly intact. The interior originally consisted of two rooms that fronted onto the porch, with a long rectangular space across the rear of the house. Such a two-room plan in Germany consisted of a Stube, or parlor, and a Küche, or kitchen, also in some parts of Germany referred to as a Herdraum, a room where the hearth is located. The house has since been gutted to accommodate an insurance office. The deep front porch was a practical device to shade the front rooms, although the present porch may be a replacement based on the original.