At the south approach into Highland Park, four houses by Dallas architect Korn, all dating to 1923, display both the variety of styles popular in the early 1920s and Korn’s dexterity across many modes. The house at 4201 Lakeside is in a Tudor design that became his signature style. The picturesque, two-story stucco house has steep roofs, large chimneys, and exposed half-timbering in the upper stories and gables. The Thomas W. and Eva Griffiths House at number 4205 is an unusual treatment of red brick Georgian. The Tuscan portico and pediment, dormers, shutters, and multipane windows are typical of the style, but a low-pitched shed roof over the slightly projecting first story creates a dominant horizontal emphasis.
The William P. and Lula Head House (4215 Lakeside) is a two-story Italianate with stone trim accenting stucco walls. The red tile hipped roof has exceptionally deep overhangs with exposed joists. First-floor windows are arched, and one-story projecting bays bracket the main central block. The house at number 4301 is a picturesque composition of stucco with Tudor details in stone.