Two Danish immigrants, the Reverend Jens Madsen and his wife, Anne Marie, established the Eben-Ezer Sanatarium for tuberculosis patients in 1903. The 35-acre grounds came to include landscaped, curving walks to the many house tents. Madsen and the Baerresens, Danish-born Denver architects, designed a chapel incorporating Danish Gothic features, most notably the stepped parapets and triangular roof windows. Red brick walls rise to a gable roof with three triangular dormers on each of the long sides. The stepped gable ends are composed of alternating piers and recessed panels capped in Del Norte rhyolite, with a cross at the apex. Walls are banded and trimmed in the same stone, as are the keystones of the Gothic-arched surrounds framing stained glass windows. The pulpit and lectern are part of the chancel wall, and the altar is built of brick topped with stone slabs. Similarly designed Elim Hospital (1915) was demolished in 1969. The story of what is now the Eben-Ezer Lutheran Care Center for the elderly is told in Madsen's autobiography, Retrospective Musings of an Old Man.