The Seventh-Day Adventists built this “plain but neat house of worship.” Organized in 1861, it was one of the first churches established by the Adventist Society in Michigan, after it moved its headquarters in 1855 from New England to Battle Creek by way of Rochester, New York. John Andrews, cofounder of the sect, reportedly presided at the dedication services in 1864. Today this church is the oldest Adventist church still in use in Michigan. The simple, front-gabled Greek Revival church is eccentric in that it has a prominent octagonal Italianate belfry. In contrast, a heavy classical cornice over a plain frieze crowns the exterior clapboarded walls. Beneath a shuttered window with fanlight, the central main entrance double door is framed by fluted Doric pilasters. The center-aisled sanctuary seats 300, which is surprising since in 1861 the church's initial membership was only nine people. The pulpit was designed by Ellen G. White, a prolific author and one of the founders of the Seventh-Day Adventist movement in Michigan.