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Center Market Square

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1860s–1900. 2200 block of Market St., both sides of Center Market
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)
  • (William E. Fischer, Jr)

A heterogeneous collection of small-scale, lowrise houses, shops, and mixed-use brick buildings, most dating from the second half of the nineteenth century, borders the market from 22nd to 23rd Street. In recent years, several of these buildings have been adapted to new uses, paralleling the market's commercial renewal. The following two are typical examples of the neighborhood's building stock and good examples of the Wheeling Italianate style.

Writing Credits

S. Allen Chambers Jr.

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